A Run/Walk Fundraiser for the YSCP Community

Event Details:
Saturday, September 30th
Registration at 9:30am
Race Begins at 10am
YSCP Field
Buy Tickets in Advance!
$5 per person, minimum suggested donation
To purchase tickets on Eventbrite, go to bit.ly/pacfunrun
Can't attend but want to contribute? You can sponsor a student to cover their registration cost, by clicking here and purchase under Donations.
Support Parent Advisory Council (PAC) by helping us reach our $4,000 fundraising goal!
All proceeds will fund PAC events, such as Trunk or Treat, Movie Night, Spring Jubilee, Teacher Appreciation Meals, and many more future activities!
Remember, this is a fun run. It’s not a race. The point is to have fun and make memories with your fellow YSCP peers! Take photos before and after the fun run!
Common Questions Below:
What is a Color Fun Run?
As you run or walk through the track, you will get covered in colored powder. By the time you reach the finish line, you will be covered from head to toe in colored powder. A fun run is not a race. Participants can run, walk, skip, or dance their way through the track. The point is to have fun!
What can I wear?
Are the colors safe?
Is the colored powder harmful if you inhale it?
Will the color wash off skin/hair?
Will the colored powder stain clothing/sneakers?
How do I keep the color in my shirt?